Who We Are

A community of volunteers ready to help in practical ways by providing support during illness or financial struggle,

coping with aging parents, a new baby, etc.

We seek to mobilize members of our community to respond to the needs in our community that are often hidden so that no one

is left forgotten or overwhelmed by circumstances in life that come their way.

What We Do

  • Minor home clean-up & repair
  • Yard clean-up
  • Assistance with shopping & errands
  • Assistance with meals
  • Emergency snow removal
  • Transportation to medical appointments


Good Works Principles


·         Good Works assists people in difficult times to stabilize their situation and empower them to move forward.

·         Our interventions are meant to be impactful and facilitate transitions in the lives of those we serve.

·         Good Works respects privacy and dignity, working with people where they are.

·         We are not equipped for long-term interventions or ongoing assistance in day-to-day living needs.

·         Good Works offers short-term assistance throughout Radnor Township and surrounding areas.



An outreach initiative of Christ Church, Ithan


St. Martin’s Episcopal Church, Radnor PA

Contact us: (484) 450-6154

Or send Email to:

Email Good Works